Monday, June 15, 2009

Oh Insecurities...

Hi all! It's been a long while, no? Unfortunately, I have no pictures of food to share with you all, so this will be an all-in-all boring post.

I did want to write because I want to get your ideas on something: How do you break out of your shell? I'm not really shy, or at least as shy as I used to be as a child. Once you get to know me, I can be downright extroverted (and annoying haha!). But still...there are so many times when I feel just so AWKWARD. When I'm in a social situation I sometimes just don't want to talk. I'm one of those people who, if they have nothing to say, would rather not say anything at all.

I'm also worried that I'm going to make myself sick someday worrying all the time about whether I've made a social faux pas of some sort. I wonder if people are aware of how awkward and out of place I feel at times; I don't really have an urge to be the center of attention, and I'm perfectly content with silence. I don't know, is this normal? Is it normal to worry that I don't come off nice enough, polite enough, that I don't make the effort to suck up to employers, strangers, etc.?

Welcome to my OCD World =P


  1. I think the biggest thing to remember is that everyone feels insecure/nervous around someone. You have to first get over being insecure to become someone's friend. When you first talked to your best friend were you a little nervous? I'm sure. But then you got past that you hit it off, right? I think it's normal to think about such things, but not to dwell on them constantly. Just be yourself and if they don't like it, they aren't worth your time :)
    Love the ending, haha :)
    <3 jess

  2. Hey there! I just came across your blog and felt the need to comment on this, because I struggle with exactly the same thing.

    It's normal to want your quiet, alone time sometimes. But I think that other times it's really important to speak up and share your ideas with other people. I know it's hard to break out of your shell, but you honestly just have to practice! Lately I've been being a lot more social than usual. And starting out, I didn't really see a need to talk, but I forced myself to anyway. As I kept talking, and kept realizing that people liked what I was saying, I started enjoying myself and wanting to talk more and more! So while at times I do feel awkward around other people still, I'm a lot more comfortable than I started out and know that I can keep making progress if I keep putting the effort in.

    And I think Jess is right when she says that everyone feels insecure at times. Chances are, at least some of the people you're with will be too busy worrying about whether they're making a social mistake to see how 'awkward' you are. If you start to see that everyone is as nervous as you, you can take the first step by starting a conversation to make everyone feel more comfortable!

    Enjoy your day!
